Consultant Insights

How to Get Your Financial Aid Office Back on Track

By: Delinda “Lindy” Hall Ed.D. The phrase “Help, I’ve Fallen, and I Can’t Get Up” is widely recognized in the context of personal health and safety. Medical alert systems have been developed to assist during emergencies and have proven effective in improving response times and outcomes. However, the success of these systems hinges on one critical action: […]

Is Your PowerFAIDS Software Working for You—Or Against You?

By: Alex Skarr, FAS Consultant  In the ever-evolving landscape of higher education, financial aid software is key in ensuring the accuracy, consistency, and compliance of financial aid awarding processes. Even though many recognize the impact of technology on financial aid operations, it remains an under leveraged tool when it comes to maximizing efficiency, reducing compliance […]

Avoid the Dreaded Employee Turnover on Your Financial Aid Team 

By: Juliana Davis, Senior Associate Consultant Employee turnover is plaguing every industry, and financial aid departments are not immune to its dreaded effects.  According to a new report from the College and University Professional Association for Human Resources and the National Association of Student Financial Aid Advisors (NASFAA), “Over half of all financial aid professionals are likely […]

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