180 Interstate North Parkway
Suite 550, Atlanta, GA 30339
FAFSA Simplification is significantly disrupting the student experience, enrollment goals, and financial aid operations. Campuses who are better prepared will have a major advantage recruiting and retaining their students. Those campuses who are less prepared could be in for a rough spring and summer. Preparation is going to make all the difference.
About This Guidebook:
Developed by FAS Consultants and subject matter experts, this guidebook is designed to outline the best practices you should consider to overcome these difficult and unprecedented challenges. While each institutional situation will vary, we share these insights for you to consider and determine whether some or all of these best practices would benefit your students and your institution.
Why Trust Us?
FAS is trusted by over 1800 colleges and universities and fortified with over 1600 years of combined experience. Contact Us to learn more about your options.
Navigating the Maze of FASFA Delays created Feb 2024