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Financial Aid comprehensive eBook

eBook covers everything from overseeing compliance requirements, optimizing the student experience, maximizing technology, and addressing the current staffing challenges

Cancellation for Nonpayment Helps Students and Institutions

A thoughtful registration cancellation plan can help your students and your institution.

R2T4 Regulations (as of 2010) Highlighting Changes Published Sept. 2, 2020

The Department of Education (ED) issued final regulations updating its rules on distance education, withdrawal and return of Title IV funds, some definitions, and several other topics.

President’s Guide to Administration of Federal Student Financial Aid

A college or university’s ability to make federal student aid available to its students is not only core to its educational mission but also vital to the institution’s sustainability.

Migrating to Cashless Cashiering

With strategic deliberation, leveraging technology, and using readily available services, your business’ office’s cashiering operation could reduce or eliminate the handling of cash and checks.

Choosing a Financial Aid Service Provider

key to success when choosing a financial aid service provider is to make the right decision for your campus based on several factors other than just price.

Senior Administrators Financial Aid Checklist

FAS Financial Aid Operations Checklist for Senior Administrators serves as a simple guide to quickly identify potential problems and displays the factors that contribute to an efficient and effective financial aid operation.

What Bursar’s Wished Directors of Financial Aid Knew

This presentation provides insight of what a financial aid director’s counterpart in the business office would like us to consider.

Verification Checklists

2023-2024 Verification Checklist

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