Marketing Communications

The Most Important Marketing Communications a Student & Their Families Receives Are Financial Aid Communications

The most important marketing messages students and their families receive are from financial aid and student account offices.  Surprisingly, 91% of colleges and universities do not follow best practices in this area.  FAS consultants quickly evaluate your marketing communications and help you create new and innovative communication strategies or channels for connecting with students and their families.

Our clients tell us FAS Consulting allowed them to create a better economic and strategic operating model while enhancing the student experience and enjoying better peace of mind that their aid is administered in full compliance.


The number of colleges and universities that do not follow best practices for communicating aid

Reasons & Outcomes

  • Just a 1%-2% gain in admit yield or a 1%-2% increase in retention equates to significant gains in headcount and net tuition revenue. How you communicate financial aid offer letters and the first bill matters.

  • Does financial aid have a seat at the table with Admissions and Marketing when creating affordability messages? Is financial aid communicated effectively in the communication flow?

  • Is the timing of these communications right?

  • Are your offer letters effective and following best practices?

  • Do your communications strike the right balance between transactional steps and your institution’s value proposition?

  • Discover new innovative channels for communicating with students and parents.

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Let’s Look At Your Future, Together

An expert is ready to discuss all your institution can achieve through financial aid and student business services.

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