Organizational Capability Reviews

Make Organizational Health Your #1 Advantage

Organizational health is essential to a financial aid operation.   FAS Organizational Capability Reviews (OCR’s) measure your staffing levels and evaluate business processes against national benchmarks and industry leading practices.

Our clients tell us FAS OCR’s allowed them to create a better economic and strategic operating model while enhancing the student experience and enjoying better peace of mind that their aid is administered in full compliance.


The number of colleges and universities who are highly concerned about their ability to serve students

Reasons & Outcomes

  • Measure your staffing levels against national benchmarks to evaluate or make the case for staffing needs or reorganization.

  • Evaluate your business processes against industry leading practices to discover where major efficiency gains can be found.

  • How well is your operation optimizing technology?

  • Are your policy & procedures following Title IV compliance and/or are they overly complicated? Identify early compliance risks.

  • Identify opportunities to enhance the student experience which can improve yield and retention.

  • Financial aid requires campus-wide collaboration. How well are all the key departments across campus aligned?

  • Are there training gaps across the team?

  • Challenged to change long-standing policies that negatively affect students and staff?

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