Technology Optimization

We don’t just optimize your tech. We come alongside and teach you.

There are tech firms and there are consulting firms.  FAS is both.  FAS consultants possess the rare combination of technology acumen + decades of financial aid subject matter expertise.  This unique blend allows us to quickly optimize your technology, strengthen your operations, and improve the student experience.

Our clients tell us that FAS Technology Optimization allowed them to create a better economic and strategic operating model while enhancing the student experience and enjoying better peace of mind that their aid is administered in full compliance.

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Certified PowerFAIDS Specialist


The number of institutions reporting they lack the resources to maintain administrative and processing capabilities

Reasons & Outcomes

  • Clients experience enrollment and retention increases from the efficiency gains resulting from better utilizing their technology.

  • Improve the student experience and satisfaction.

  • Lean on technology to reduce manual processes easing administrative burden on your staff and allowing them more time to counsel students.

  • Generate significant efficiency gains so your staff is not so stretched.

  • Mitigate risk. Rest assured your aid is administered in full compliance.

  • FAS consultants are knowledgeable on all the major Student Information Systems and Financial Aid Modules.

  • Use FAS process maps and signature systems to create business rules for your student information systems.

  • New year setup and configurations, packaging formulas and philosophy, fund management, integrations, student requirements, communications, packaging and processing.

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Let’s Look At Your Future, Together

An expert is ready to discuss all your institution can achieve through financial aid and student business services.

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